For many years at a chiropractic clinic in Norway, pregnant women came searching for answers and support. Backaches, pelvic pain, and leg cramping were leaving these women feeling sleep-deprived, stressed, and uncomfortable.
Hilde, Kristin, and Elisabeth, the chiropractors at this clinic, understood their clients’ challenges. They offered medical pillows designed for geriatric patients to help alleviate pregnancy discomfort, but it wasn't an effective solution.
“The three of us began talking at lunch one day about how nice it would be to have a certain kind of pillow to offer support,” Hilde says. “We were getting frustrated on our patients’ behalf."
Soon, Hilde, Ann Kristin, and Elisabeth teamed up with a group of leading industrial designers to create a high-quality, versatile pregnancy pillow to sell at their clinic and in other chiropractic offices in Norway.
While creating a prototype pregnancy pillow, the three partners regularly consulted with women visiting their clinic, who tested the pillow and offered feedback.
“Our prototype came together fairly quickly because we knew exactly what we wanted the pillow to do,” Hilde says. “We could be very specific about the design.”
The story of the bbhugme name
The name of the product—bbhugme—came about after a brainstorming session in Oslo. Hilde, Ann Kristin, and Elisabeth started talking about words that communicated "belly, bottom, and baby."
“At first, I said, ‘bb hugger’ because what does this product do? It gives you a hug, and everyone needs a hug,” Hilde says, adding that the trio quickly agreed on the name bbhugme. “There is a meaning behind our name. It represents something and resonates.”
A product loved by pregnant women everywhere
The bbhugme company was officially established in 2013, but commercial success didn’t happen overnight. At first, the founders were focused on their patients and chiropractic practice and could only devote part-time hours to bbhugme. Over time, they realized their product could also benefit pregnant women outside their clinic.
“There are women all over the world with the same problems as our patients—so why limit it to our clinics?” Hilde says. “That’s how we started to think there was an opportunity here.”
“No matter where you live, you can relate to things like lack of sleep, stress, and body aches. We’re talking about basic human needs, which is at the core of our mission,” Hilde says. “We want to make a difference in women’s lives, and we want women to know that they are seen and understood.”
Today, bbhugme is a globally trusted brand known for professional design, versatility, and beautiful style. The brand is available at industry-leading retailers in the United States and Europe, continues to get rave reviews in the press. Most importantly, our pillows are loved and recommended by moms everywhere.